Software Engineering, Architecture and AWS Serverless Technology from makit


Multi-Browser Testing an MVC Application With Selenium and NUnit
Jun 1, 13
Multi-Browser Testing an MVC Application With Selenium and NUnit
An example of how to use Selenium to do Multi-Browser Testing
Running a Windows Service as a Console Application
May 18, 12
Running a Windows Service as a Console Application
If you have ever built a Windows Service then trying to debug it can be a problem, having to attach the debugger to a running process is not ideal and I like having the ability to just click play.
.NET MVC SEO/Slug Only URLs for eCommerce
Feb 19, 11
.NET MVC SEO/Slug Only URLs for eCommerce
As part of my ongoing journey creating an eCommerce site I had to implement into the .NET MVC 3 website having Shorter URLs
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